UFV is a member of CPSLD (Council of Post-Secondary Library Directors). CPSLD libraries give borrowing privileges to students, faculty, and staff of other partner institutions. Current students and employees of publicly funded B.C. post-secondary institutions are granted on-site borrowing privileges at other B.C. post-secondary institution libraries, free of charge, and that permission is reciprocated.
- You must present valid identification from UFV when borrowing materials from another CPSLD library.
- You will be registered at the lending library according to the lending library’s practice (e.g., expiry date established by lending library).
- You are responsible for following the loan policies (e.g., types of items loaned, number of items, length of borrowing period) of the lending library.
- Materials must be returned to the lending library and will not be cleared from your record at that library until they reach the lending library. Any costs for overdue fines, damaged or lost materials levied by the lending library are your responsibility.