
AskAway is a province-wide chat reference service. It connects you with librarians who can help you with questions related to using the library, conducting research, citing your sources, and more.

Your use of the AskAway chat reference service is voluntary. To maintain your privacy, do not provide personal identifying information (e.g., name, email address, student ID number) as data may be stored in the U.S. and subject to U.S. laws.

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AskAway Tips

  • Maintain your privacy: It's OK to use your first name or a nickname, but don't share your full name or other personal identifiers (e.g., email address, student ID number) when using AskAway.
  • Pop out the chat window: Click on the arrow at the top right of the chat widget to pop out your chat session in a new window - this allows you to keep your chat session active while using other web sites (such as the library's search tools).
  • Get a transcript: When your session is finished, be sure to end the session. This will give you the opportunity to have a copy of the transcript emailed to you (and yes, it's OK to enter your email address at this point).
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