Terms of Use for Electronic Resources

About Terms of Use

Most electronic resources are governed by license agreements which restrict use to the UFV community (defined as current UFV students, faculty and staff) and to individuals who use the libraries' facilities as walk-in patrons. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure these products are used for individual educational or research purposes only.

Authorized users who breach license agreements may lose access to resources and may face disciplinary action. Misuse may even result in loss of access for the entire UFV community.

Users should also familiarize themselves with UFV's policy on Appropriate Use of Computing and Network Resources.

Acceptable Uses

Examples of acceptable uses of resources and data include:

  • Search, view, retrieve and display licensed data
  • Save or print limited amounts or parts of the data for personal research use
  • Uses allowed under copyright (may be further restricted by license terms)

Unacceptable Uses

Examples of unacceptable uses of resources and data include:

  • Commercial use (for the purpose of monetary reward by means of sale, resale, loan, transfer)
  • Redistribution of data to unauthorized users, such as via email, a web site, or a database
  • Republication of the resource or the data
  • Providing access to unauthorized users, e.g. those outside the UFV community
  • Automated or excessive data crawling within resources
  • Automated or systematic downloading, mining, or harvesting of data
  • Removal or alteration of a copyright holder's information

Finding Terms of Use for Journals

When you find a journal title in our Journals List, note the names of the research databases that include that journal, then look up terms of use in our Research Databases gateway. In the example below, there there 4 sets of terms of use available. Each may have different terms of use; make sure that the article you download comes from a source that allows the use you need.

Finding Terms of Use for Research Databases

We provide more specific license terms regarding interlibrary loan, coursepacks and electronic reserves. To view these details, click on the Permitted Use for this Database link below the database description in our Research Databases gateway. An example:

Permitted Uses Glossary

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